How to install Apache Tomcat using WHM (Web Host Manager)

This article is for client's with virtual and dedicated servers. Apache Tomcat is not supported on our shared servers. You would need to upgrade to a virtual or dedicated server in order to install/use Apache Tomcat.

Apache Tomcat's installation will require an Apache/PHP recompile on your server. Acenet strongly suggests processing an Apache/PHP recompile during your server's non peak hours. The reason being because an Apache/PHP recompile may cause sporadic performance issues on your server while it's processing and it takes about an hour for the recompile to complete.

[1] Log into your server's WHM as root.

[2] Click on 'EasyApache (Apache Update)' which is under the 'Software' section.

[3] Ensure 'Previously Saved Config (** DEFAULT **)' is selected.

[4] Click the Whm start customizing2.jpg button.

[5] On the 'Apache Version' page, click the Whm next step2.jpg button.

[6] On the 'PHP Version' page, click the Whm next step2.jpg button.

[7] On the 'Short Options List' page, check the box next to 'Tomcat'.

[8] Click the Whm save build2.jpg button.

[9] Click the Whm yes2.jpg button.

[10] Click the Whm i understand2.jpg button.

[11] Wait for the recompile to complete. (usually takes about an hour)

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