Des articles

 Accessing Cpanel and WHM

This article will show you ways that you can access cPanel, WHM, and Webmail on your account....

 Affiliate Program

Acenet's affiliate program pays $150 per referral on all hosting products (shared, virtual,...

 Changing cPanel Password through Client Area

Below are instructions on how you can change your cPanel password though your Client Area. [1]...

 Creating a Redirect

For a video demo, go to - [1] Click on the "Redirects"...

 How can I change my domain's nameservers

You can change your domain's nameservers right through your billing account with us. Instructions...

 How do I run a traceroute

A traceroute does just what it sounds like, it will trace your route through the internet from...

 How to clear your internet browser's cache

Each internet browser has its own way to clear its cache. There are instructions below on how to...

 How to make a php.ini file apply to all subdirectories

Add the following code to the .htaccess file within your account's public_html folder (if one...

 How to recover from a hacked website

Acenet's Shared/Managed Server Security Measures Our Technical support staff regularly watches...


What is the difference? When you use IMAP you are accessing your inbox on your mail server. IMAP...

 IPhone or iPad - Setting Up an Email Account

General Configuration [1] Tap the icon (Settings) to begin. [2] Tap 'Mail, Contacts,...

 Outlook Express - Setting up an Email Account

For a video demo, see -

 PHP Configuration - php.ini

Acenet uses CloudLinux with PHP Selector to allow you to select from several different versions...

 Securing your Wordpress blog against Hacking

Security is a growing concern with all of the hackers and script kiddies waiting to do bad things...

 Why should I have a Dedicated IP

Generally speaking there are two types of basic hosting plans. Those with a dedicated IP address...